Fleet Weigh
Online Weight & Balance System
Fleet Weigh© is a secure, online weight and balance calculator, allowing you to take control of your aircraft weight alterations. Plan your aircraft's weight alterations by using Fleet Weigh© to add, remove or modify weight alterations. As adjustments are made, Fleet Weigh© will instantly alert you if the weight alteration limits have been exceeded. The data can then be forwarded to your weight control authority to update your records. Fleet Weigh© also stores your current approved weight control documents, so you can have easy, instant access to your aircraft's up-to-date weight control documents on any internet accessible device. Contact Fleet Aeronautics for more information on how Fleet Weigh© can help your operations.
Fleet Weigh© Features:
24/7 access to current approved weight control documents
Plan and record aircraft modifications on an online weight and balance calculator
Alerts to notify approaching weight alteration limits
Secure, password protected
How Fleet Weigh© Can Benefit You:
Cost effective weight control system
Plan weight alterations– Fleet Weigh© lets you easily plan and record your aircraft's weight alterations so you never exceed weight alteration limits.
Monitor your alteration limits - Fleet Weigh© will instantly alert you if your approaching your aircrafts weight alteration limits.
Accurately determine your CG shift - increase the performance and reliability of your aircraft by perfectly determining your aircrafts CG change due to your weight alterations.
Easily access your current approved documents - Fleet Weight© is operational 24/7, 365 days of the year. So no matter where you are in the world, you can access your aircrafts approved documents anytime, anywhere.
Secured, quality assured - with username and password security, your approved documents are safe and secure.